Mindfulness Slobodanka Graham Mindfulness Slobodanka Graham

Unveiling the connection: Slow Art and the gentle revolution

In a world that seems to whirl faster with each passing day, the concept of 'slow' emerges as a quiet revolution—a gentle rebellion against the frenetic pace of modern life. At the heart of this movement lies Slow Art, a profound expression of mindfulness, intentionality, and sustainability that echoes the ethos of its kindred spirits: Slow Food, Slow Travel, and a host of other 'slow' movements.

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Mindfulness Slobodanka Graham Mindfulness Slobodanka Graham

The art of mindfulness: how Slow Art enhances wellbeing

In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of peace and mindfulness can feel like a luxury. Yet, amidst the chaos, there exists a gentle antidote—Slow Art. Deliberate, intentional, and deeply immersive, Slow Art not only assists in cultivating mindfulness but also offers a myriad of benefits that contribute to our overall well-being.

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Mindfulness Slobodanka Graham Mindfulness Slobodanka Graham

Exploring Slow Art: a pathway to remembering, hoping, sorrowing, and more

Art has a unique power—a capacity to touch our souls, ignite our imaginations, and mirror the complexity of human emotions. Alain de Botton, in his enlightening work, The Architecture of Happiness, identified 7 functions of art, each reflecting a facet of our humanity. In this blog post, we’ll explore how the practice of Slow Art, specifically through simple drawing and mindful observation, serves as a powerful vehicle for experiencing and exemplifying these functions.

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Mindfulness Slobodanka Graham Mindfulness Slobodanka Graham

Art therapy unveiled: exploring the transformative power of healing art

When I first ventured into the world of art therapy, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. The idea of delving into the intricacies of my own mind through creative exercises felt both exciting and daunting. Little did I know that this journey would lead me to astonishing revelations about the profound impact of art on mental well-being.

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Mindfulness Slobodanka Graham Mindfulness Slobodanka Graham

Welcome to the world of Slow Art: where creativity and mindfulness converge

In our fast-paced world, where the hustle and bustle often takes centre stage, a quiet revolution has been quietly unfolding—one that invites us to pause, breathe, and savour life’s simple joys. This revolution is the world of ‘slow movements’, a diverse tapestry of lifestyle philosophies that encourage us to embrace a more intentional, meaningful, and harmonious way of living.

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