Unveiling the connection: Slow Art and the gentle revolution

Embracing the slow revolution: a journey into mindful living

In a world that seems to whirl faster with each passing day, the concept of 'slow' emerges as a quiet revolution—a gentle rebellion against the frenetic pace of modern life. At the heart of this movement lies Slow Art, a profound expression of mindfulness, intentionality, and sustainability that echoes the ethos of its kindred spirits: Slow Food, Slow Travel, and a host of other 'slow' movements.

Discovering Slow Food: the seed of inspiration

My journey into the realm of slow living began in 2007, when I stumbled upon the illuminating pages of 'The 100 Mile Diet' by J. B. MacKinnon and A. Smith. As I devoured its words, I found myself drawn into a world where sustainability, community, and connection with the earth took precedence over convenience and haste. The idea of sourcing food from within a 100-mile radius struck a chord, sparking a deep-seated commitment to supporting local farmers, reducing food miles, and embracing the richness of seasonal produce.

Food nostalgia and memory are all part of Slow Art.

From that moment on, the principles of Slow Food became not just a philosophy, but a way of life—one that resonated deeply with my artistic journey. Much like the meticulous care and attention lavished upon a home-cooked meal, Slow Art celebrates the beauty of deliberate creation. It's a testament to the transformative power of unhurried expression, where each brushstroke, each line, is imbued with intentionality and purpose.

Sustainability at the heart: the intersection of Slow Art and Slow Food

But Slow Art is more than just a creative practice—it's a reflection of our commitment to sustainability and mindful consumption. Just as the Slow Food movement advocates for the preservation of local ecosystems and traditional foodways, Slow Art champions the use of sustainable materials, ethical sourcing, and a deep reverence for the natural world.

The art of mindful creation: unveiling Slow Art's essence

In the tapestry of slow living, each thread—the leisurely stroll through a quaint village, the leisurely meal shared with loved ones, the leisurely creation of a piece of art—contributes to the rich fabric of our lives. It's a celebration of slowness in a world that often prizes speed above all else—a gentle reminder to pause, to savour, to embrace the beauty of the present moment.

So, as we journey through the gentle revolution of Slow Art, let us remember the guiding principles that unite us: mindfulness, sustainability, and a deep respect for the rhythms of the natural world. Together, let us weave a tapestry of intentionality and purpose—one brushstroke at a time.

Slobodanka Graham

How to explore the world with help and advice. I write, review and interview about light travel. I’m an extreme light traveller: this is how to fly and travel with carry on luggage only.


Reflect, reconnect, and revive: a recap of our creative retreat experience at Gunben


The art of mindfulness: how Slow Art enhances wellbeing