Serenity at Sturt Summer School

Imagine a place where 160 or so artists get together for 5 days of art and learning. That’s the Sturt Summer (or Winter) School, which was held from 5 to 8 January 2023.

Frensham School grounds

Class was held at Frensham School in the picturesque Southern Highlands. We stayed in boarding school accommodation. I enjoyed my monastic experience: a narrow bed, one table, one chair, one lamp and one wardrobe. The bathroom was down the hall; the kitchen and sitting room were at the opposite end. The views into the garden were exquisite as were the bird calls every morning.

The grounds at Frensham House

My day started at 6.30 am, checking the news online before a shower and breakfast at 7.30. All the meals are served in the school dining room, which is a vast hall furnished with wooden tables and benches. Three times a day, we all met up to eat, chat, re-acquaint ourselves with old friends and make new friends over boarding school food – and very good the meals were too.


Class started at 9.00 am and finished at 4.30 pm. In January 2023, I attended a calligraphy course, delivered by Gemma Black. We had 10 participants, 7 of whom had been practising calligraphy – some with Gemma – for at least 25 years. I felt I had a lot of catching up to do.

Calligraphy is the art of writing. Together with handwriting, we studied letter forms and illumination. This is the gold and colourful illustration you’d be familiar with if you’ve seen Medieval manuscripts.

Calligraphy exercises

I learnt many new words and activities. From Cnut, Carolingian and Fraktur on the first day, through diapery, vine work, gouache and gold leaf on the second day, to versals on the third day, I gradually improved my pen dipping into ink skills. I even enjoyed trying different tools like balsa wood sticks (for painting) and a deer brush for beautiful sweeping gestural strokes.

We celebrated our last night with a stylish dinner and dance in the dining room – very much enhanced by the sounds of a musical trio.

On the final day, we exhibited our work for all the other participants to view, as well as any members of the public who chose to come. I was impressed by the range and quality of the work. Alongside the calligraphy group housed in the science lab, I enjoyed viewing pastel, impressionistic watercolours, and fabric printing and stitching. I popped into the landscape and print rooms and also visited the fabric dyeing and printing exhibition. Sadly I didn’t have the time to visit still life and woodwork – those will have to wait for my next Sturt School experience.

Slobodanka Graham

How to explore the world with help and advice. I write, review and interview about light travel. I’m an extreme light traveller: this is how to fly and travel with carry on luggage only.

Celebrating the PixelARTed2 exhibition


Summer Sketches: Belgrade and Montenegro