Slow Art. Slow Food. Crafting your recipe book


Date: Sunday 11 and Sunday 18 August

Time: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm

Venue: Lighthouse Business Innovation Centre, Fyshwick

This course is not just about crafting recipes; it's about creating connections, exploring new horizons, and carving out precious ‘me-time’ away from the stresses of modern life.

In a world racing at speed, I invite you to embrace Slow Art – a philosophy that celebrates mindful creation and the art of savouring life's pleasures.

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Date: Sunday 11 and Sunday 18 August

Time: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm

Venue: Lighthouse Business Innovation Centre, Fyshwick

This course is not just about crafting recipes; it's about creating connections, exploring new horizons, and carving out precious ‘me-time’ away from the stresses of modern life.

In a world racing at speed, I invite you to embrace Slow Art – a philosophy that celebrates mindful creation and the art of savouring life's pleasures.

Date: Sunday 11 and Sunday 18 August

Time: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm

Venue: Lighthouse Business Innovation Centre, Fyshwick

This course is not just about crafting recipes; it's about creating connections, exploring new horizons, and carving out precious ‘me-time’ away from the stresses of modern life.

In a world racing at speed, I invite you to embrace Slow Art – a philosophy that celebrates mindful creation and the art of savouring life's pleasures.

As we meet over 2 weeks, our sessions become a form of art therapy, a sanctuary where we come together to try something new, nurture our spirits, and find pleasure in creating something of our own.

In this journey of crafting your own recipe book, we dive into the art of storytelling through food. We explore memory and nostalgia, using recipes to preserve culinary heritage. Each page becomes a testament to the flavours that have shaped our lives, a collection of moments preserved for generations to come. By learning about recipe creation and book design, you'll discover the joy of transforming your kitchen tales into a tangible product.

This course is your opportunity to unlock the secrets of recipe books, empowering you to curate your own archive of flavours and traditions. Together, we'll go on a journey of creativity and self-expression, as you craft a recipe book that reflects the essence of who you are and the stories you hold dear.

Our Slow Art voyage intertwines with the principles of the Slow Food movement, forging a bond that transcends sustenance, inviting you to indulge in a symphony of flavours and experiences. Together, let’s embark on a journey of shared discovery and tranquillity, where the act of creation becomes a celebration of community, self-discovery, and the joy of Slow Art.

Day 1: Sunday, 11 August

Setting the canvas for your culinary odyssey: We explore the basics of how to make a book: format, binding, paper, print style. Using this information, we consider what our book will look like; what will be its contents. We create thumbnail sketches, planning the book’s contents.

Cultivating culinary narratives: We explore what is writing, editing, and proofreading. Using this knowledge, you draft your recipes, learning about the specifics of recipe books - how to arrange ingredients and methods on the page - and the importance of accuracy. We consider recipes: starters, mains, and desserts – and which to use in our book.

Lunch at the Lighthouse

Painting with words and food: You build on the fundamentals of book design: why a type area is important. We discuss how handwritten or typeset text affects the readability of your book. We plan the images to inspire our own recipe book. We layout pages for our own books.

Day 2: Sunday, 18 August

Unveiling the essence of your culinary chronicle: We consider book cover design. We plan to make your book stand out on the bookshelf. We discuss elements to include, like the title, your name, and the spine and back cover. We start drafting our own book covers.

Binding memories and traditions: In the spirit of Slow Art, we embrace the craft of bookbinding. We bind together the pages of our recipe book, preserving traditions for generations to come.

Lunch at the Lighthouse

Sharing the feast of Slow Art : We learn how to promote a book to family, friends, and the wider community.

Join me on this journey, where the art of creation meets the rhythm of nature. Every page turned is a tribute to the timeless beauty of Slow Art and Slow Food. Together, let us savour the flavours of life, one recipe at a time.